Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Winter 2005-2006
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!

       In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to Him…  Isaiah 11:10

During this Advent season, my heart has been drawn to the words of prophecy that allow us to glimpse God’s purpose in the incarnation.  The prophet Isaiah, in his beautiful proclamations of the coming Messiah, continually repeats the words nations, peoples, and Gentiles.  Simeon, as he holds the newborn Christ is his arms, declares: “My eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the nations....”   But the words of Christ himself express most simply and powerfully the reason for Christmas:  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son….”  God’s love for all of the nations and peoples of the world caused Him to send Jesus to be born as a baby in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.  That same love stirs our hearts today, and causes us to long for the nations, and the people of our nation to “rally to Him”. 

CHM Board:
William Roeh
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Thomas Hoke
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Scott Randall
Dr. Jack Rea 
(--See a previous newsletter--) Note:  Check out our Spring Newsletter.
(For an easier to print "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  
Friends Worship in Baltimore, MD
Churches With a Purpose

     In our October “North American Hispanic Friends Conference” (pictured above) we celebrated together and studied materials written by Rick Warren and presented by Ronald Vides on the “Purpose-Driven Church.”  Ronald shared effectively about balancing the activities of the church around biblical values—something he has done in his church plant in Orange County, California.
     Although the Baltimore weather was less than cooperative with rain, heat, and then cold, the sessions were lively and church leaders received information that they are now putting into practice in their churches.
       Plans are already underway for the 2006 conference that will be held in Philadelphia from Oct. 5-8.  May God continue to pour out His blessings on His churches.

 “Taking Small Steps…”

     Until last week, that is the way I would describe how we were proceeding in terms of what we are doing with the facilities that were the old League City Friends Church in South Texas.  We didn’t want to jump into a new ministry unless we were sure that it is from God.  Just the other day we found out that those facilities are open to us for launching a new Hispanic ministry that will be multi-cultural, bi-lingual and multi-faceted in its approach to the community—and it seems that God is in it.
The challenge now is to renovate the buildings, fortify the ministry with intensive prayer, build a ministry team, and touch the community with Christ’s love.  Now those are BIG steps!

 A Spiritual Retreat      

       Hispanic Church leaders need lots of things for a successful ministry.  They need skills, dedication, good work habits, and Bible knowledge to name a few.  But most of all, they need a close walk with God through Christ.
       It is easy to over-emphasize the activities of ministry and to forget the essence of the spiritual life that must drive all that we do.  That is why CHM, in cooperation with Evangelical Friends Mission, plans to sponsor a spiritual retreat (July 11-13, 2006) in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
       Hispanic Ministers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico will be invited to participate in this time of spiritual communion with times of fasting, prayer, silent seeking, and listening to God’s voice.  Since EFM’s new mission field in Aguascalientes will just have opened in March, we hope that this spiritual gathering will be strategic in terms of involving Hispanic leaders from all over North America in praying for and supporting this new work.  Pray with us for God’s rich blessing on the retreat! 

            Making Disciples—Preparing Ministers
     CHM, in its recent annual planning retreat, approved an ambitious budget that includes projects that are unsubscribed.  That means, we are stepping out in faith to take on new ministries without the funds to pay for them.
     We will need generous givers to make ends meet and to fulfill our calling and commitments.  Please pray about making an ongoing commitment or sending a special gift  to CHM!

News & Prayer

F --Pray for the new ministries launching in South Houston and League City Texas (see above).  Pray that the facilities will be renovated in time to begin those ministries in February.  Pray for the leadership for ministries that are multi-faceted, multi-cultural, and seriously empowered by God.

--Unity in the body of Christ is a constant struggle since Paul’s day.  Pray that  Hispanic Churches, their members, and their leaders will let Jesus Christ reign, and not personal ambitions or jealousies. 


--Praise God for another great year for the Byrne Family.  For an update, check out our newsletter.


--Pray for CHM’s 2006 conferences
.  The spiritual retreat (July 11-13) can mark a turning point for U.S. and Mexican pastors and leaders, and our 10th  North American Hispanic Friends Conference (Philadelphia, Oct. 5-8) should be another great celebration.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549

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