Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Fall 2006
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!

       17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation (II Cor 5 - NIV)

EFC-ER Hispanic Pastor's Retreat

      Hispanic Friends Pastors from EFC-ER gathered in September for a  retreat with superintendents.  An important step in the development of Hispanic Ministries is to link these dynamic leaders and their churches to the English-speaking church, and CHM was there to help.
      Because of the pressures of local ministry, any church can become a world of its own that is isolated from the broader church.  This is especially acute where there are cultural and linguistic differences as well.
      Congratulations are in order to EFC-ER leaders who take the time to honor their Hispanic pastors and to let them sense the heartbeat of the Yearly Meeting’s commitment to serve Christ.
      Friendships develop as we experience life together and find common bonds of respect and partnership.  It is those bonds of relationship that hold us together in God’s Spirit as one body in Christ.  EFC-ER is carrying on this “ministry of reconciliation.”

CHM Board:
William Roeh
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Thomas Hoke
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Scott Randall
Dr. Jack Rea 
(--See a previous newsletter--) Note:  Check out our Winter Newsletter.
(For an easier to print "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  
  Instituto ALMA Newberg Graduation

Instituto ALMA—Graduation etc.

      It was my privilege to travel to Newberg, Oregon  in September to be a part of a graduation ceremony for 3 Hispanic Friends leaders involved in ministry.  Pastor Angel Diaz (left) has been facilitating the Instituto ALMA classes and mentoring the leaders who are ministering along with him in planting new churches in NWYM (Northwest Yearly Meeting).
      Along with the graduation, several meetings were held with area leaders who are key to starting new churches and ministries in the Northwest.  May God continue to encourage, bless and guide these leaders in their efforts. 

 North American Hispanic Friends Conference      

Edwin Lima leads prayer for the conference.  
       With over 500 in attendance for the evening evangelistic services, this 10th conference was one of our biggest.
      Evangelism was the theme and activity of the North American gathering of Hispanic Friends that met in Philadelphia in October.
       David Harriman preached evangelistic and youth messages that were simultaneously broadcast over the internet.  During the day he presented two workshops on evangelism.        Friends also took advantage of the city where Friends first came to the Americas to reflect on our heritage and to visit some of the early Friends sites.
      God challenged the Hispanic Friends to look back at our roots in the Gospel to realize that we are a people set apart by Him for proclaiming the good news.  The heritage in God’s Word and in the Friends movement is a challenge to live in obedience, proclamation and ministry.
      Plans are already in place for the 11th conference to be held in Las Vegas, October 4-7, 2007.  Make your plans now!
 Part of the Retreat Group. David Harriman - evangelist

Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor
Making Disciples—Preparing Ministers
     Instituto ALMA has a new Associate Director, Amy Peña, who comes to us from California with an M.Div. degree.  She is working on a system that will allow developing leaders to take the Instituto ALMA classes totally online.  The advantage is that students who do not have a cell group of other leaders can now take classes in virtual groups.

News & Prayer

F --There was a good spirit of unity and cooperation in the latest conference.  Leaders worked together well for planning and sought to serve each other in Christ.  Pray that this attitude of service continues to mark our relationships as we grow in Him..

--Pray for classes and training programs taking place in the next couple of months, that students and leaders will be open to God’s direction and challenged in His truth. 


Pray for Amy Peña and her work to redevelop the Instituto ALMA program so that online groups can meet together for classes and assignments.  Our prayer is that this will make the Institute program even more accessible for Christian leaders.


Pray for new church plants, including two that CHM is overseeing in South Texas.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
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