What is it?
The "Instituto ALMA" (Institute of the Soul) represents a new concept in the preparation of Spanish-speaking leaders. With a biblical and theological base, we emphasize the learning that comes in participating in a cell group of other ministers. We focus on relevant and practical themes presented through video by some of the most renowned professors and leaders who are serving in the Hispanic church today.
Our Mission:
The mission of the "Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor" (Institute of the Soul: Reaching the world around us) is:
the development of leaders among Spanish-speaking peoples within a context of transformational relationships
so that they can minister more effectively in the Hispanic community.
These leaders will be motivated in questions of their spiritual life and personal development
in order to fortify their relationship with God and by that means facilitate ministry to others.
The Program:
The System:
1. A Cell of Leaders
A facilitator can organize a cell group of the "Instituto ALMA" in his own community with other pastors or even with the leadership of the local church with a minimum of 3 ministers. This group commits itself to study together and at the same time, to minister to one another in prayer, in sharing ministry experiences, and in confronting the challenges of ministry in Christ. This leadership cell group constitutes a "Confevi" (In Spanish: (CONvivio de FE VIviente or "Living Faith Fellowship") which is the basic unit in the Instituto ALMA system. Top of page.
2. Seminars
There are 18 seminar classes that form the base of the study plan in the Instituto ALMA. These classes can be presented in 15 one hour sessions; in 5 days combining 3 sessions per day, or even in a two day retreat that present all 15-18 sessions. In other words, this program can be adapted to the needs and busy schedule of the local cell group.
The seminars are conducted through the use of videos and study guides. In each session of 45 minutes, somewhere between 10-40 minutes of the class are video presentation with the rest of the time dedicated to exercises and activities that come out of the videos and the serve to involve the group in the theme and to allow the ministers to learn from each other.Top of page.
Entrance Requirements:
The main entry requirement is to have an active ministry - whether lay or pastoral. Christians who minister in the Sunday School, in evangelism, in administration, in visitation, and, of course, in pastoral ministry will find a valuable resource in the "Instituto ALMA." Besides an active ministry, it is recommended that the student should have at least completed High School. It is essential that the student be fluent in Spanish. Top of page.
...and the cost?
With the desire to make the "Instituto ALMA" program accessible to Hispanic ministers, we are committed to maintaining the cost of the classes as low as possible. The fee for each course is only $25 + the cost of materials such as the study guide and the professor's textbook. Some of this class fee is used to help the facilitators with expenses. Also, the "Instituto ALMA" takes into consideration the special concerns of ministry couples and for those ministry cell groups located in Latin America. Please contact us for more details. Top of page.