Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Spring 2006
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!

       “...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you…”  John 17:21

     Recently, the task force for Hispanic Ministry in Northwest Yearly Meeting met to consider the question of how churches and denominations can integrate groups from different cultures.
     It is a difficult issue that causes us to search God’s heart in establishing priorities in our ministry and outreach.  CHM has been in place to “develop and promote ministry to the Hispanic community.”  Oddly, a danger in emphasizing integration is that we can ignore distinctive needs in ethnic/cultural groups and fail in our outreach (the missionary call).
     “Unity” then becomes exclusivity as those who do not share OUR enthusiasm for MULTIculturalism are left behind.
     There may not be an easy answer, but as we partner together to find the best ways that we can work toward our common goals while respecting our differences, we can in that process invent the structures we need to cement those bonds we have as the family of God.
     I praise God for those who are diligently working and asking the tough questions about how Christ’s church can be one even as the Father and Son are one.  

CHM Board:
William Roeh
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Thomas Hoke
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Scott Randall
Dr. Jack Rea 
(--See a previous newsletter--) Note:  Check out our Winter Newsletter.
(For an easier to print "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  
League City Building
New things in an Old Place

     There are biblical warnings against putting “new wine in old wineskins” and our challenge in preparing the old League City Friends Church building for new ministry is to stretch beyond the bounds of a typical church ministry to make all things new.

    With a vision to include ministries as diverse as Spanish and English worship, Christian leadership training, a coffee shop, sharing facilities with other churches, historical presentations, and an emphasis on home churches, we are excited to see how God brings all the details together.

    We are expecting for a bilingual/bicultural minister to join us within the next few months.  Pray that God will have his hand on every aspect of this important ministry development.

 A Spiritual Retreat      

Tree at retreat site.  
  The site for our spiritual retreat just outside of Aguascalientes is set.  You’ve heard of the “light at the end of the tunnel?”  The remote village at the mouth of a 3 kilometer “straight-as-an-arrow” run-off tunnel from a nearby dam sets the stage for Hispanic Friends who desire to look through the darkness to see the light of Christ.

This will be a very special spiritual retreat for Hispanic Pastors and Leaders.  The retreat will be led by Joe Roher whose ministry has focused on the inner life and spiritual development.  While seeking God together, we will also be  1) highlighting the new church-planting effort in Aguascalientes,  2) sharing the energy and unity of North American Hispanic Friends across the Mexican border;   and 3) renewing our commitment to the Living Presence of Christ.

Pray as God brings his people together and as plans are finalized

            Making Disciples—Preparing Ministers
     Instituto ALMA continues to serve the Hispanic church with new cell groups being established and leaders being trained, but only God's power can allow the leaders to confront the spiritual battles that face them.  We pray that the training will not only be intellectual but deeply practical in spiritually empowering men and women of God.

News & Prayer

F --Pray for the new ministries launching in South Houston and League City Texas (see above).  Pray that the facilities will be renovated in time to begin those ministries in February.  Pray for the leadership for ministries that are multi-faceted, multi-cultural, and seriously empowered by God.

--Unity in the body of Christ is a constant struggle since Paul’s day.  Pray that  Hispanic Churches, their members, and their leaders will let Jesus Christ reign, and not personal ambitions or jealousies. 


--For God's work in Hispanic churches across the continent and in all denominations.


--Pray for CHM’s 2006 conferences
.  The spiritual retreat (July 11-13) can mark a turning point for U.S. and Mexican pastors and leaders, and our 10th  North American Hispanic Friends Conference (Philadelphia, Oct. 5-8) should be another great celebration.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549

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