Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Winter 2006-2007
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!Dr. David C.  Byrne

 With immigration issues taking center stage in the last election and over the last year, I am praying that Christ’s Church does not move from the Great Commission toward cultural protectionism.
Political decisions about immigration involve complex practical issues of economics, social integration, law and popular perceptions.  The church is not burdened with so many complexities.
Our call is clear: to go out; to make disciples; to preach the good news to everyone; to love; to do God’s will.  Christ emptied himself of his divine identity to redeem a broken humanity that definitely did not share in His kingdom’s cultural values.  Let’s be clear that we are His disciples and that our joy is to minister to others in Jesus’ name—even if that is beyond our cultural familiarity.

17learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 18"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1:17-18 -NIV)      


CHM Board:
William Roeh
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Thomas Hoke
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Scott Randall
Dr. Jack Rea 
(--See a previous newsletter--)
(For an easier to print & share "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  
Hispanic Pastor’s Retreat—Las Vegas

     In our 10th annual conference of North American Hispanic Friends, held in Philadelphia last October, Hispanic leaders decided it was time to go back to our roots to sponsor a conference specifically for pastors and leaders.  This conference/retreat goes back to our very first North-American conference that was set up primarily for leaders.
    The retreat will be held next March in the same site as the general conference this fall.  It will be hosted by the dynamic Las Vegas Hispanic Church under the leadership of José Ignacio Contreras and associated with EFCSW .  Pray for the retreat and the pastors!

Classes for the Spanish-Impaired

Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor
    The Instituto ALMA leadership trainingDr. Jack Rea classes are all about accessibility—making leadership training available to pastors and leaders who either don’t qualify, don’t have the funds, or can’t get the time away for a seminary education.  The December class (Dec. 1-2) on Spiritual Development was set up for leaders who speak  either English or Spanish.
   “Peter’s Path to Spiritual Formation” is the class Dr. Jack Rea (an educator working overseas) shares in English with simultaneous translation in Spanish to address the needs of both Anglo and Hispanic church leaders.
    We trust that God will affirm His calling in these men and women and that there will be ongoing fruit in their lives as they apply the principles of spiritual development to their walk with God and their ministries.
League City Ministry Center A New Floor at Last!

       I wouldn’t normally get excited about getting a cement floor poured, but after months of waiting, it is great to finally have the new floor in at our League City Ministry Center.
In August a college-aged work team from East Richland Friends (OH) got the project off the ground when, in the Texas heat, they moved tons of sand onto the floor to begin to build it up.  It wasn’t until almost November that the pouring was finally completed, with all of the work done through volunteers.
     The new floor is one of the thousands of repairs that are being made to get the League City facility “ministry friendly.”  Walls are being repaired, rebuilt, or reinforced, roofs and ceilings replaced, and cosmetic and structural changes are getting done throughout the buildings.  Some days, it seems like an impossible task that has no end.  Other days, like with the floor, we can see the progress and are encouraged at what God has in store.League City Ministry Center
     There is ebb and flow in ministry.  There are times of advance and times of regrouping.  Moving forward in ministry requires both spiritual and material investment.  The payoff is in seeing people’s lives blessed and transformed by the power of Christ’s good news, and that is already happening.  Praise God for this ministry opportunity and for the increasing fruit we will see in the coming year.

‘Tis the Season?

If this is the time of year that you catch up on your giving, consider a gift to the Coalition for Hispanic Ministries.  2006 has been an expensive year for CHM and the Instituto ALMA programs as we have invested heavily in rebuilding the League City facilities and worked toward making the Instituto ALMA a fully online program.  All gifts are tax-exempt with receipts sent out in January.  You can also give online now through PayPal using your PayPal account or a major credit card in a secure link.  Just hit the "Make a Donation"  button at the bottom of this online newsletter ¡Gracias!

News & Prayer

F --Pray for the Pastor’s Retreat in Las Vegas in March.  Pray for the planning and for the Lord to touch Hispanic leaders as they come together that there would be unity of purpose in seeking Him and in ministering in His name.

--Pray for the ongoing work in League City and for the development of ministries there.  Already the Oasis of Faith Hispanic Church is associating directly with the ministry and we plan to start an English language worship service in January.


Pray for classes and training programs taking place in the next couple of months, that students and leaders will be open to God’s direction and challenged in His truth.  Pray for continuing deployment of materials and systems for the online Leadership Training Institute program.

--Pray for the Byrne Family - To see an online pdf version of Joyce's Christmas newsletter.  Click Here!

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
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