Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Spring 2007
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!Dr. David C.  Byrne

       Many times ministry simply consists of continuing to do the right thing on a day to day basis.  Pastors, and most of us in the church, would like to see great signs and wonders worked through them and spectacular transformations in the lives of those around them.  Who wouldn’t? 
       And yet, I often speak with pastors who are tired and discouraged because they are not seeing all the growth and blessing they had expected.  Ministry is hard, and there are many disappointments and frustrations along the way.
       What blesses my heart is seeing these same ministers continue forward, in spite of difficulties and sacrifices, to serve God even when there seem to be much more comfortable ways to live.  The fact is that God does reveal His power in the lives of His people, but it is also true that His work sometimes takes much longer that we would like.  In the meantime, our faith and our victory are found in being obedient to our calling.  Day by day, year by year, He is Lord.

Matt. 24:45-46  “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?  46It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.” (NIV)

CHM Board:
William Roeh
Michal Alexander
Jim Barclift
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Kay Griffin
Thomas Hoke
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Dr. Jack Rea 
(--See a previous newsletter--)
(For an easier to print & share "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  
Hispanics in the U.S.A. 

  • 1 in every two people added to the U.S. population between July 1, 2004, and July 1, 2005 was Hispanic.
  • The median age of Hispanics in the U.S. is 27.2 compared to 36.2 in the general population.
  • Hispanic businesses have grown at three times the national average for all businesses in the U.S., with $222 billion in revenue in 2002.

It is a privilege to be a part of this organization that sees these changes as an opportunity to minister in the name and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Instituto ALMA Classes go "Virtual"

Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor     The Instituto ALMA leadership training program has  turned  a corner that has been in development for several years now.  Normally, materials are sent out to a local facilitator who projects the videos and leads the group in class  exercises.
    Recently, our “beta” testing classes were formed to offer the classes totally through the internet.  Students from Argentina to Toronto view the videos online, complete the study guides, make comments on our discussion board, and meet weekly in a computer-based conference call with other leaders.  Even payments are made securely over the internet.  
     Our prayer and expectation is that this system will allow isolated students to take leadership classes even when they could not gather a group of other leaders locally.  

Hispanic Friends Pastors in Las Vegas

  A New Organization

       In March, a group of Friends Hispanic Pastors got together in Las Vegas for a retreat and ended up forming a new organization.  For years, Hispanic Friends from across the continent have been wondering what the next step would be as a follow-up of the relationships formed in our annual conference.  Each church belongs to a regional “Yearly Meeting,” and it didn’t seem wise to form competing organizational structures.  The solution?  AMANA (Alianza Ministerial Amigos Norte América - “Ministerial Alliance of Friends in North America).
       This Ministerial Alliance gives Hispanic leaders a framework for working together and for carrying out the Hispanic Ministry agenda as Hispanics in North America.  The annual gatherings will remain the same as before but will be guided by this group.  AMANA will meet each year in the spring at the proposed site for the general conference that will be held later in the year (the 2008 conference is proposed for Newberg, Oregon).
       God is at work to do great things in the world and He is preparing His people to be a part of it..

News & Prayer

F --The formation of a North American Hispanic Friends Minister's Alliance “AMANA” (Alianza Ministerial Amigos de NorteAmérica) means new challenges for Hispanic leaders.  Pray that God will set the agenda and let His will be done by this group.

--The new League City ministries continue to develop as we adjust to changing opportunities.  Pray with us for the Hispanic pastoral family that will be moving to the area at the end of May.  Facilities and contacts in the community continue to improve.  


Pray for the new “virtual” classes in the Instituto ALMA.  Pray that many more students will be able to take advantage of these courses and that their ministries will be blessed.

--Pray for Hispanic churches in the U.S. that face incredible political pressures now against their immigrant communities.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
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