Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Spring - 2008
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!Dr. David C.  Byrne

     Some major changes are coming for CHM’s ministry.  As you know, one of our earliest projects for Hispanic Ministry is the Instituto ALMA leadership training institute.  In that program we offer classes that are specific to effective church leadership and I have served as its director from the beginning.
     Now, God is answering our prayers to expand the Institute program as a new director joins our CHM team.  Jerry Clarkson has experience as a missionary in Bolivia, in leadership training, and in church planting.  Now, he and his family are answering God’s call to make a move to South Texas.  I look forward to working with Jerry as God uses him in the Institute and also in our church planting effort in League City.
     This is a step of faith for the Clarksons - and for CHM.  We are all stretching our faith in expectation of God’s blessing.

Jerry Clarkson, New Instituto ALMA director writes:

     God works in many amazing ways. He prepares our hearts, our paths, and our very lives in ways that we do not expect, do not foresee, and often do not understand. We were very aware of God's preparing the way before us as He lead us to Bolivia several years ago. We were also aware of His leading and preparation as he took us to Dodge City, Kansas over five years ago. As God prepares us to follow His next steps in ministry we are again seeing the years of preparation that God haJerry, Kerri and Rachel Clarkson with International Students Kat and Sandy in front s worked in our lives toward His purpose and glory.

      As a child and as a teen having opportunity to begin learning Spanish in grade school and high school and having an opportunity to travel in Mexico and Guatemala I had no intention of long-term missionary service or use of those language skills. God knew what he was doing. When computers broke down in Bolivia and we had to learn to fix them, God knew what he was preparing. When He developed our teaching skills and administrative skills he knew where he was taking us. When young pastoral students in turn taught their teacher programing and web design skills, God knew what he was doing. When God took an Idaho mountain boy, trained him in Portland, Oregon and sent him to the larger cities of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia,Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor  He knew how that would be further preparation for both urban and rural work.

      So, what should a bilingual teaching Pastor computer tinkerer be doing for God that involves both urban and rural settings? God seems to have prepared Instituto ALMA for us just as he was preparing us for Instituto ALMA.

   I thank God and praise Him for Kerri, my wife, also. Kerri's art talents, her hospitality, her congeniality, her reasoning and drive, and many other gifts, talents, and skills are the perfect addition and balance for the ministry in which God uses us. Over and over again we see how God has prepared us for one another and to work together.

 (--See a previous newsletter--)
(For an easier to print & share "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  

CHM Board:
Thomas Hoke
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Kay Griffin
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Dr. Jack Rea
William Roeh

  Peru Conference

Peru Pastor’s Conference

      What a great experience for Pastors from the Americas coming together in Ilo, Peru in January to address the theme of “Living United in the Faith.”
      Dr. Williams (right) EFI-NA director spoke each evening translated to Spanish by David Byrne. 
The program included workshops on unity in praise and worship, church purpose, pastoral responsibilities, the great commission and in Christian education.  CHM director David Byrne presented a key session on effective missions challenging Latin American Friends to come together to send missionaries and to form a missions culture in the local churches.
      Central American groups have already taken steps in recent years to form a regional missions board (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) that has two missionary families working in Cambodia.
      The evangelical churches of Latin America are maturing and taking on new challenges as the serve the Lord in the world and Friends are stepping up to the task.


David Byrne & John Williams

News & Prayer

F --Pray for the Clarkson family, their move to Texas, and their preparation to serve in ministry with CHM.

--Pray that the Lord will provide the needed financial support for the Clarksons and for the expanding Instituto ALMA ministry.  We are looking for new monthly supporters for Jerry as well as project sponsors for new Instituto ALMA classes.  For more information, contact CHM director David Byrne (713-922-3113).


Pray for the Hispanic Friends Pastors conference in Coahuila, Mexico April 11-12.

--Pray for your Hispanic neighbors and how you might be able to extend the hand of Christ at a time of need.
--Pray for the new leadership of the Latin American EFI who will be preparing for the next pastor’s conference in 2011 including Sabino Chipana Mamani (Bolivia), Samuel Vasquez (Mexico), and Manuela (Peru)

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
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