Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
Holiday Edition - 2007
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!Dr. David C.  Byrne

According to a recent Pew report, only 2% of Hispanics would say that “teaching English to immigrant children is not important” (compared to 26% of non-Hispanics who would agree with that statement).  A person who is living as a “stranger in a strange land” cannot help but realize how critical language is to getting established.
One “gift” some Anglo churches and individuals are giving to their Spanish-speaking neighbors are simple English-language classes offered to the community.  Whether you use advanced ESL (English as a Second Language) materials or a simple curriculum you develop yourself, you and your church can find the added blessings of new friendships and a deeper understanding of your community as Christ’s love flows through you.
Consider how God’s gifts to you can be your gift to the people in need around you.

 (--See a previous newsletter--)
(For an easier to print & share "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)  

CHM Board:
Thomas Hoke
Michal Alexander
Rev. Craig Davis
Paul Feaster

Jacob Estrada
Kay Griffin
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
Dr. Chuck Mylander
Dr. Karl Newman
Dr. Jack Rea
William Roeh

11th North American Hispanic Friends Conference

   Our latest conference in Las Vegas, NV was another great time of sharing, learning, and rejoicing together.  The theme was focused on Christian Education, but workshops were also presented on Family Counseling, Missions, and Immigration with vibrant worship gatherings in the evenings calling on the group to accept God’s challenges in life and ministry.


EFI-LA Pastor's Conference in January

EFI-Latin America is hosting a pastor’s conference in Ilo, Peru with the theme: “Living United In the Faith.”  CHM’s director will be sharing on “Effective Missions” and translating for Dr. John Williams (EFC-ER Superintendent) for the evening sessions.
Ovidio Ipiña
Ovidio Ipiña
March 13, 1940 - Oct. 10, 2007

  For me to live is Christ,
to die is gain.

       Those words came to life for me in a new way this past month when Pastor Ovidio Ipiña of Blue Island, IL, a good friend and faithful servant of God, went to be with the Lord.  A few days earlier, we had worshiped together in the Las Vegas North American Hispanic Friends Conference and a couple of weeks before that, we shared a hotel room at a pastor’s retreat in Ohio.
     And yet, at the funeral, it was not so much a time for grief, but for celebration as we recognized the power of God at work in this servant of the Lord and reflected on the great reward Ovidio was already enjoying.
         During one of the services Ovidio’s son, shared how grateful he was to God for his father’s life.  “God is good,” the son said.  And how often do you hear a son proclaim that at his father’s funeral?
     Ovidio and his wife Raquel received Christ when he was 32 years old and from that time he was single-minded in sharing his faith - including 25 years as founder and pastor of the Hispanic Friends Church just outside of Chicago.  It is a privilege to serve the Lord with faithful servants like Ovidio.  To read more about Ovidio's life and ministry, click here, and please don’t forget to pray for the church that is carrying on without their founding pastor.

Instituto ALMA

Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor The Instituto ALMA website is seeing very heavy usage with nearly 10,000 unique users per week.  The most popular links are on our literature page that provides free Spanish-language material for individuals and churches.
   Merry Christmas  
Christmas is a time for giving, and we at CHM have a special gift for you.  Last year, Andrea Byrne produced a Christmas CD with some of her orchestra friends in Mexico.  Andrea’s Christmas Brass is available in mp3 format for playing on your computer or for a free download:

News & Prayer

F --As our website sees heavy usage and people take advantage of the studies and training available, pray that God’s word would not return empty, but produce its good fruit in the lives of those who are hearing it and applying it.

--The League City, TX ministries are still unfolding and need continued prayer support.  This is a ministry center and Instituto ALMA site that is being developed for English and Spanish  language based  church plants.


Pray for the Peru pastor’s conference and for the other gatherings for Hispanic leaders that God’s Spirit will strengthen, encourage and equip for ministry.

--Pray for your Hispanic neighbors and how you might be able to extend the hand of Christ at a time of need.
--Pray for the Byrne Family - Ministering in Hispanic Ministry and missions. Our year-end family update is now online. Take a look.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address: 421 S. 4th  Street , S. Houston, TX. 77587-4163
Donations to: P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
Or Donate to CHM online - Click Below -
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